Don’t just read it, visualize the letters: Keira Rathbone

Typewriter Art by Keira Rathbone

Close up of typerwriter art

There is a British artist by the name of Keira Rathbone that likes to use typography but in a different manner than most people. She uses a vintage typewriter to create her works of art. Believe or not the following pieces of art that were created with letters.

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Not Just A Box of Crayons: Christian Faur

Blue Boy by Christian Faur

Blue Boy (Crayon Series)

Christian Faur is an artist that specializes in taking the simple and making it extraordinary. When you were younger, did you ever open a box of crayons and were mesmerized by arrangement of the beautiful colors?  Did you felt like there was something more there than a box of wax? Continue reading

Something’s A Brewin’: Inspirational Sites

Many times designers, we tend to only look at other’s designers within our emphasis. Sometimes that can be a good idea and other times it’s a good idea to go to other designers (product, fashion, etc.) find inspiration. Honestly, can you continually look at the same photo/website/print item and be inspired? Probably not. In this post, I’ve included just a few of the websites that I peruse for inspiration.

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